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This is a pretty good solution for powering Korg Volca. For Volcas you also have to purchase this - myVolts Crazy Chain VAR1- or the 5way splitter - because Volcas have smaller input power jack.
Don't expect this to be without noise when powering 2 or more devices. Every time you chain more devices to a power adapter you will get some kind of trouble. Expensive adapters doesn't mean it's noiseless.
It powers one Volca without any hum or noise but after connecting another one it starts to be noisy. You need a ground loop filter or something on the audio line.
Actually this filter should be included with this product!
The chaining doesn't look good on volcas. The Crazy Chain cables are short and are all visible on top. Also they get in your way sometimes when you use your synth.
The make is good quality and precise. The chain cables fit perfectly.
I give it 3 starts. It's useful because of USB but the price is high considering you have to buy Crazy Chain cables with it and there is no solution for noise when chaining several devices.
- Crazy Chain cables are too short
- No added ground loop filter for audio line (I think everyone needs it and should be included)
I can't remember if this is for Volcas or Boutiques (because I bought both) but they are great. I was running battery chargers on a constant basis and often leaving a Boutique or Volca out just because I was lazy about changing batteries.
This is a good solution and so far no problems such as hum. Quality seems good too.
I use this to power a meeblip bass synth off a phone powerbank.
Works great and lets me add a synth that doesn't take batteries to my portable rig setup