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This rack is of a very impressive build for the price. It is sturdy and versatile enough to hold my toms and cymbals in just the right positions and keep them there no matter how hard I play. It was very easy to set up from the box just needing a drum key to adjust all the nuts. The tubing is very strong and looks impressive, the other function I like is the ability to tilt the front of the rack and the amount of adjustments in the side bars and rear legs. The one thing I would have like though would be to have the boom arms on the rear legs to have been longer to have more options on the positioning of the cymbals. How ever other than that small gripe it is an excellent rack and the only thing in my opinion that would make it better for me would be the addition of a few bar to make a cage.
I personaly do not think you could get better for your money and the other thing is I can keep my kit within the area of the rack which I couldn't do if all my cymbals were on thier own stands.
Going back to the cage option I believe Millenium are missing an oportunity in not having the option of an add on to make a cage as it would be an easy add by using the boom arm sockets to extend from.
This take a little time and patience to put up , but when its up it is sturdy .
I did buy a gibraltar curved pole to switch the front. works well .
A LOT of stand for the money ! Higly recommended !