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I use it in my every production. I also enjoy playing with it alone. Sometimes all you need is a bass drum. It even survived an accidental drop (the internal speaker did not survive,but the Volca works just fine)
This thing's a beast, I use it mainly with my volca sample to add that analogue oomph that I felt the sample was missing.
It works as a kick obviously but it can also do massive sub-basslines, there are also some good videos of people using it to play melodies via MIDI [see Oscillator Sink].
Massive sound.
Same form-factor as the other volcas.
Fun to mess around on!
Some blips at the start of pattern-chained sequences.
Relatively low feature-to-cost ratio (touch FX are cool tho)
It's probably my favorite volca, for some reason it's simplicity speaks to me.
Korg Volca Kick is a great tool to create music in any kind of situation. I love how it carries so many possibilities in it. I am using it in my live electronic music setup.
Its one of my first analog music hardware and i love it!
Biggest plus: MIDI Sync possiblites with CV output is a lot of fun and creative!
Biggest con: The mini jack input can be quite a hassle on some stage/desk setups.