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Bought these to use for keeping podium mics nice and tidy
I've used them on corporate jobs several times now to great success - even some of the other companies I work with are now talking of making purchases because these are far neater than a mic stand or a large round base.
They don't come with thumbwheels though and can be hard to get position of the mic correct without them. Thumbwheel's are very cheap though so purchase one for each of your clamps and you'll be fine!
Looking forward to trying these out as a tidy way to attach a wireless antenna to cases for future jobs as well.
Definitely recommend having a couple of these in your production kit!
This is very handy for attaching mic clips and other microphone accessories to flat edges like table tops, beams, rack cases, etc. I had two of these but one has broken from excessive rotation and now the gooseneck I attached cannot be removed, so be careful of the amount of weight or torque on the joint.