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Hercules Stands HCDG-400B Laptop Stand


Laptop stand

  • Stable, innovative laptop stand for laptops and compact mixers up to 10 kg
  • Foldable flat
  • Height and inclination adjustable variably
  • Carrying bag included
Fås siden Juli 2014
Artikelnummer 342788
salgsenhed 1 stk
Tiltable Yes
Colour Black
Desk Mount No
Stand No
569 kr
Inkl. moms. Obs! Yderligere fragtomkostninger 45 kr
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Afsendelse forventet fredag, 17.01.

192 Kundebedømmelser

4.7 / 5

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111 Anmeldelser

Super både til bærebare computer eller Ableton Push2
pellelil 02.04.2019
Købte en for nogle år siden til brug for en bærebare computer og købte senere endnu en til brug for en Ableton Push2. Stativet gjorde at jeg kunne få frigivet lidt bordplads under min Push2. Stativet er utroligt stabil og man kan sagtens "banke løs" på sin Push2 mens den står på dette stativ.
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Fast and VERY stable
Raamann 02.10.2018
This thing is amazing! Saved my laptop TWICE!
Got pushed buy dancing people and stayed in the stand.
Very easy to open close(once you get a hang of it)
Very sturdy, put the feet under the DJ controller, and it stays right there. :)
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google translate gb
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
Very good build quality and practicality!
AttilaKis 26.09.2019
I use this stand for my laptop to play ambient music, while me and the band are taking a short brake.

I would recommend this stand for any laptop, as mine is a pretty heavy one (old school 15' ThinkPad) and it's coping with it pretty well.

-The build quality is very very good, solid construction! When you tighten the screws, it gives you the feeling that your laptop is going to be fine!
-The looks! I usually mound my laptop at a higher angle with this stand and it looks pretty good!
-The mounting angles. It gives you plenty of options regarding the position. It offers pretty good height and angle adjustment options.

Although this is not a big problem, I sometimes have problems setting it up (2 minutes) as the folding mechanism is a bit complicated, but as soon as you've found how to twist it, it's set up in not time.

As in general, the stand is pretty good and cheap for the quality it provides, lots of mounding angles and great looks.
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google translate gb
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
Solid, a great live performer.
Krimson 28.12.2014
I really enjoyed this stand, for a number of reasons:

1. Ease of use: There is no awkward assembling or disassembling of the stand, it comes and stays assembled, folding up quite compactly, perfect for a gig-bag.

2. Rigidity: The construction feels very solid and high quality, which is reassuring as you don't want your €2000+ laptop held up flimsily.

And Most importantly, 3. Stability: The legs at the back extend behind it making for a very stable stand, as opposed to some of the even higher priced competitors.

All in all I'm extremely happy with this product, and I will surely be recommending it to other dj's and producers in future. However watch out as it is quite heavy due to the sturdy metal build, this isn't a problem for me, but may be for frequent fliers.
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