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I've owned these congas for over 9 years and they're still sounding (and looking) as good as they did the day I received them.
They produce a nice range of clean sounds and you can get a reasonable amount of volume out of them, I've accompanied several DJs on 0.5k PAs without amplification on the congas and have never been (totally) drowned out.
The stands are a bit of a pain to set up and tear down, but I can't think of a better way to support the congas without adding a big old wedge to the price. On the plus side, the stands don't leave any marks at all on the drums.
After a long period of looking for a nice set of congas, i was mainly triggered by the look and feel of this ones, but the sound is astonishing. The open tones just set you on a dancing mood right away. The ring of the heads is also very soft, so.... bye bye to painful hands. I am really happy with these ones.