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First impression was good quality of the plastik they are made of, threading for the little pinscrew is bad though.
Wanted to use them on an old guitar from the 70's, the threading broke before they even got to sit tight enough.
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They fit!
NGCanDK 05.07.2022
The knobs with screws are great because they are more likely to fit on your pots than knobs with the bumps.
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Ja tak!
Marand75 18.04.2024
I always buy these. They're oldschool bakelite and look especially awesome on a black LP Custom (among others). AND they always fit! What's not to like?
I Bought 2x Tone knobs and 2x Vol knobs, three of which went on perfectly but the fourth (a tone knob) wouldn't tighten due to the thread being badly cut inside inside the knob itself. Wasn't a major problem as I sorted it out with a bit of superglue.
Apart from this they certainly look and feel the part on my home made 72 Tele. I would still buy them again. :)