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Efter at have spillet bas i en årrække; blev jeg gift og stiftede familie. Blandt andet af den grund havnede mine elskede basser som klenodier på væggen. Tidspunktet hvor der er tid til fordybelse er ude på de sene timer - og der er det ikke hensigtsmæssigt at klikke Fenderen i forstærkeren, medmindre det er for at vække hele huset ! - Og det er heller ikke nogen bekvem løsning at skulle kable sig ud af en hovedtelefonløsning.
Løsningen endte for mit vedkommende med at blive denne akustiske bas til øve brug - da det praktisk taget bare er at tage den ned fra væggen og spille på den !
Den er ren og præcis i lyden, den er let spilbar - og jeg tvivler på at alternativerne fra Fender og Ibanez (i den billige ende) er mærkbart bedre. Som øvebas til lige at tage ned og jamme/holde teknikkerne ved lige, er bassen formidabel !
Anmeld bedømmelse
Anmeld bedømmelse
God semiakustisk
Anonym 03.05.2016
Bang for the buck! Andet er der sådan set ikke at sige. God indgang til semiakustisk.
I bought this Bass in 2005 initially so i could reherse material at home easily without upsetting the wife by dragging an amp into the lounge. More recently i've been doing some work with an accoustic guitarist so have played a few shows with this beast and to be honest it's more than up to the challenge. It looks great with a high gloss black finish edged in cream and has the look and feel of a much bigger budget bass. The neck is quite chunky but feels good and the action suprisingly low. The EQ, presence and volume sliders do the job. A 9v battery slides in behind the electrics which has a red battery low LED but to be fair if you use a good quality battery it won't need changing much.
When I work live with the acoustic bass it goes straight into the PA via a Behringer BDI 21 modelling DI box which gives me a bit of extra control over the tone and drive and that set up works really well for the small gigs i use it for. I'm really impressed with the build quality of this Bass for the price. My only gripe was there was only one strap button on the bass meaning that unless you want to play seated you will need to buy another one. I fit all my basses with strap locks so not a big deal for me but something to bear in mind. My verdict overall, for the price faultless!
I bought this bass to play in a small acoustic setting and mainly use it with a small warwick amp. The guitar looks really impressive and seems well made. Mine had a slight problem with one of the machine heads but Thomann sent me a replacement straight away. I have Thomastik Flats on it and I think the amplified sound of the guitar sounds really nice now. Unamplified it is quite quiet, as with most acoustic basses (fine if I am just practicing though), and in my view you only really get a deep bass sound with the help of a small amp. I play just with my fingers so that probably has something to do with it. The preamp is quite mid/high tone biased and I keep all the treble high mid sliders to zero and the bass one at the highest setting. As I say - with that setup, I think it looks and sounds great- definitely warmer and more woody compared to my electric basses. Over time I may change the preamp but with the built-in chromatic tuner and the DI out and phase switch, it's such good value and does the job fine. It has quite a high output so I use the active (-15db) setting on the amp. I have lowered the action slightly - something I wouldn't have dared to do myself on a more expensive bass.
Overall - highly recommended and it's such good value.