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Hal Leonard Guitar Aerobics


Exercise Book for Guitar

  • 52 Exercises for guitar
  • By Troy Nelson
  • 52 Week workout for improving guitar technique
  • ISBN 9781423414353, publisher's no. HL00695946
  • Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
  • 112 Pages
  • In English
  • Includes downloads to demo recordings
Fås siden Februar 2008
Artikelnummer 206201
salgsenhed 1 stk
Harmony No
Scales/Pentatonic No
Rhythm theory No
Improvisation No
Playing Technics Yes
Rock/Metal No
Jazz No
Blues No
Pedal/Lapsteel No
Country No
Fingerpicking No
Funk/Soul No
Etudes/Exercises Yes
Folk No
Warm-Up No
Flamenco/Latin No
Language German
with Bonus Audio/Video Yes
266 kr
Inkl. moms. Obs! Yderligere fragtomkostninger 45 kr
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133 Kundebedømmelser

4.5 / 5

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59 Anmeldelser

A must-have learning book!
OscarDao 02.08.2017
The concept behind the book is brilliant, and I have had fun with it so far. It is suitable for both beginners and more advance players.

In case you one day don't know what to play, you can always find something in the book.
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Probably a good book...
Anonym 03.08.2016
Probably a good book, but I got bored when using it....
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google translate gb
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
Really nice
Victoria Kane 07.08.2017
This book makes studying soooo much easier. It gives you a daily excersize to start with, to focus on, rather than sitting and feeling overwhelmed with all the things you want to study.

Very interesting exercises, they work, they keep you fit, they make your hands faster and stronger and gives you lots of resources from different techniques and styles. Then you can go deeper on your own, but it's a great start and stay focused.

The exercises are grouped in different styles, but they are techniques that you can use on any other style. For example, I play jazz, blues and surf music and I hate heavy metal, but the first exercises are grouped in this style. Still, you can use them in any other styles.
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google translate gb
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Visible progress!
Bob81 11.02.2020
I've tried to follow all the exercises for the requested year (365 exercises, one per day).

Pros: after and also during the entire period you can really see progress in your playing such as dexterity and sensibility.

Cons: maybe too much "metal" licks if you don't love this genre... but all in all it doesn't matter if the final result is to improve your playing.

After a year of study my opinion is very positive.
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