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Umiddelbart en god kasse til billige penge. Dog har de sparet lidt for meget på gevind. Fandt flere dårlige som gjorde jeg måtte flytte modul eller undlade en skrue.
This skiff is basic but very decent build. The power switch on the back is very solid just like the power socket. The power supply offers enough power to easily fill up the 2 rows with modules.
The wooden side panels are attached with screws and can easily be removed or replaced with differed side panel. This allows you to add panels that place the skiff in a standing position or pannels that can hold a second skiff. This makes it ideal for expanding your setup (by adding a second skiff) without having to buy a whole new case.
I would recommend this product especially for starters who plan to grow there modular system.
All the pre wired skiff cases in this range are excellent.
Well made and robust.
The capacity of the electronics fitted is high, meaning that although you should always be cautious you would need to be putting some pretty heavy modules into it to exceed the spec of the case.
Ideal for newcomers not ready to build their own and a trouble free option for all users.
I had mine sent to the U.K. with no issues. A lot cheaper than U.K. suppliers too.
Excellent all round.