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Playback behaviour specially designed for sound systems, but equally suitable for electric guitars and basses, keyboards, guitar combos, club systems and stage monitors
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Although I bought the Eminence beta-12A-2 nearly 4 years ago, I just have just put it in a cabinet and tried it for the first time as a suppliment to my TC BG250 bass amp, it was terrible, it couldn`t handle the bottom end and sounded like it was overloading.
Anyone any thoughts.
Anmeld bedømmelse
Anmeld bedømmelse
elbassisten 27.02.2024
Højttaleren kan ikke bruges til elbas idet den ikke kan klare selv alm. dyb bas.
sound is good and bright as expected from a tight new driver but the metal seems thinner than I remember and I had to dress out the hole to fit it, seemed a bit larger across the webs than the old 1 i took out and would not screw in fully.
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Specific safety instructions applicable to the product can be found in the user guide.