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I personale bought this PSU because I managed to wear out the one that came together with the EHX Nano Holy Grail. In studio I do not use a lot of pedals simultaneously, and if you need power for only one pedal, this thing will do the job - unless you will try to power a Strymon or an other high current digital pedal. This will simply not deliver enough current to make such a thing work.
But if you need a cheap power supply for your EHX pedal or standard Boss or Ibanez pedal, then this is the one you are looking for!
Don't know why EHX pedals have this weird non standard 9.5v and 9.6v inputs for their pedals. I got the Memory Boy Deluxe and tried it out, no sound (how ironic) so i tried 500mah 9v one (you know it's over powered for one pedal) and still no sound until i turned delay gain all the way up and blend basically all the way up then i heard a hair of delay. well this situation is not ideal at all. then i got this one EU96 and it works all most fine. To make matters worse, on their website they say basically random Boss or Ibanez replace, that's plain right false information. You could accidentally plug this to other pedal and fry it up. Should also mention that this isn't one of those slim nor sleek it's pretty bulky and heavy one.
Really annoying that EH make pedals that use 9.6 volts. In retrospect I think I may have sold a deluxe memory boy due to the repeats being too noisy - something that may have been due to the power supply only being 9 volts. A real shame... Bought this to troubleshoot some noise issues with an Octave Multiplexer but it didn't fix the issue. I have no doubt it works, but the issue must be with the pedal itself... Marking it down because it is a bulky thing and I have a special loathing for 2 pin plugs - they are ridiculously unstable. Add to this the fact that you need to use a 3 pin adaptor and the thing becomes gigantic. It'll not be used.
As an Irish musician, I have to use a plug adapter with this supply. The 2 pronged adapter is not particularly durable though, even when being careful not to damage the supply, through natural wear and tear at gigs they have bent easily. It still powers my POG well but on occasion it doesn't work. Decent supply but the company should work on strengthening the durability of this product.