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My favoriute acoustic strings. As someone who plays mainly electric with very light strings I find extended playing on .11 or .12 a pain, literally. These make my acoustics feel just like my other guitars and I can bend notes and use full Barre all night without a problem.
I've had these strings on my old Kimbara 12 string for nearly a year now and they still sound great. I do clean them fairly regularly so maybe that helps but I am really pleased with these strings.
These strings have a bright and delicate sound that articulates well and rings clearly. They are light enough to make playing twelve strings reasonably comfortable, without the need to drop tune. After initial stretching, the strings stay in tune well (at least, well by the standards of twelve string guitars).
Daddario EZ940 for 12-string guitar suits well also in the older acoustic guitars with some neck or tension problems. Because they are thinner and have a lighter tension, they are easier to play and demand less finger power.
In practice I tune some 12-stringers to Es in order to play easier.
This is a good choice for any acoustic 12-stringer.