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Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Affordable quality
J-B-D 14.01.2024
I bought this Otega RMA30-WB as a bit of a gamble as their were no reviews I could find. I believe this is due to the newness of this model.
It came set to factory standard and sounded pretty good. But after I adjusted the bridge to balance the tone at the 12th threat and lowered the action slightly with the tiny truss rod adjustment it now sounds amazing.
This is an absolute gem of an instrument that I can barely put down.
I'm new to playing mandolin but I'm not a beginner to music or indeed stringed instruments. If you want to take up the mandolin I must tell you my gamble has truly paid off purchasing this one.
Congratulations and thank you Ortega, you have absolutely smashed it in the entry level mandolin category with this one. It is perfect in every way. I really can't find fault with this beautiful mandolin.