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Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Transistor Amplifier for Electric Bass
Clean and easy to use amplifier
New "Powered Platform" concept allows the amp to be used as a multi-effects unit - signal chains can be saved to presets from a constantly growing DSP database with compressors, distortions, modulations, preamps, impulse responses etc.
Musíte být přihlášeni, pokud chcete hodnotit produkty.
Upozornění: Abychom zabránili tomu, že se budou hodnocení zakládat informacích z doslechu, polovičních pravdách nebo skryté reklamě, dovolujeme na našich stránkách hodnotit pouze skutečným uživatelům, kteří u nás vybavení také koupili.
Po přihlášení najdete také v zákaznickém centru v sekci "Hodnotit produkty" všechny produkty, které můžete hodnotit.
Darkglass quality and the Darkglass "transistor" sound
Stary dedek 20.11.2022
Excellent toy, but still with some bugs; I am waiting for new SW... because sometimes after restart (new swich on) the sound is different from the previous one and sometimes there are some troubles with 2 bluetooth (control and music input, it changes the sound little bit).
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
(almost) everything you will ever need
delpino 12.12.2024
I bought this amp a couple of months ago and I absolutely love it.
I wanted a clean amp that was easy to transport and this one allowed me to leave my pedals at home. I can have everything I need in my backpack!
The sound is great, very clean and defined. And it also looks cool! The very large selection of effects will have you playing around for months. The configuration and integration with the app, either PC, tablet or phone is simple and works great. I still think my pedals are a bit easier to set having real buttons and knobs, making it easier for me to get the sound I want. But overall I am VERY satisfied with this amp.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Better than Swiss knife
IGOR MILLER 29.04.2022
I was shocked when it came out. And now I got it.
You dot need your full rig anymore, only your bass and a couple of cables. It's very small and lightweight. Tuner seems to be complicated but after the first try you can totally understand how to use it. Presets are super simple and the sound is as good as analog units this thing emulates.
So, thanks to Darkglass and Thomann for such a great product!
10 stars out of 5!