Thomann’s 2019 in Numbers

Thomann’s 2019 in Numbers


It’s often time to look back on the year as it’s ending and we prefer to always do this with a wink and a bit of humour. ? We thank all of you out there who were a part of it. Whether you’ve eaten one of 33,300 chicken nuggets or called us like 999,303 others for an order or for advice. ❤?

Enjoy our video and a few more impressive facts below!

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More Information

? Logistics & Shipping ?

Record number of orders on a single day 2019: 30,523
Record number of parcels sent on a single day 2019: 34,500
Total number of parcels sent in 2019: 5,555,278

? Hotline ?

Telephone calls with external numbers since 01.01.2019: 961.619
Since 30.11.2018: 1.068.672
Incoming calls to a service number since 01.01.2019: 898.288
Since 30.11.2018: 999.304
12-month average chats: 262,434
E-mails recorded from 01.11.2018 to 31.10.2019:
Inbox: 3,847,799
Output: 2.327.674
Total number of e-mails processed in the hotline: 6,175,473

☕ Drinks ?

Coffee with cream: approx. 15,300 cups
Coffee total approx. 74,000 cups
Monster Energy Drink approx. 12,800 cans

? Dishes ?

Currywurst with French fries approx. 12,000 portions
Chicken nuggets approx. 1,300 kg (1.3 tons)
Schnitzel approx. 7,300 portions
French fries approx. 9,540 kg (9.54 tons)
Meat loaf approx. 33,300

? All sorts of things ?

Frying fat consumed: approx. 5,800 litres
500-550 meals are served on average per day
Strongest day 2019 was the flea market with 845 meals
High score since the existence of the t. kitchen was 27.12.18 with 1,123 portions.
Of course, a lot of cutlery had to be washed in the Around 374,400 cutlery pieces run through the dishwashers every year.
Also the number of missing cutlery is interesting … approx. 570 missing pieces of cutlery per year …
Dismembered crockery incl. glasses approx. 450

We wish you a fantastic 2020!
Your Thomann Team

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Joe has been singing since he can remember and started playing guitar when he was 10. He's been using it as a songwriting tool ever since. He is passionate about melody and harmony and admires musicians who create these in unique ways. Check out his alternative / indie projects Best of Feelings and Zef Raček.

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