Meinl Tuning Fork Sidereal TTF-E-SI

Tuning Fork

  • Planets series
  • Description: Duration of an exact rotation of the earth around its own axis measured from a fixed star position
  • Position of the sun: 3rd planet
  • The orbital period in years: 1
  • The orbital period in days: 9460800
  • The orbital period in seconds: 8.17973 x 10 to the 11th power
  • Calculation of frequency: 1/86164.09054 sec = 0.0000116 Hz (0.0000116 Hz x 2) 2 to the power of 23 = 194.71 Hz
  • Frequency: 227.43 Hz (octave = 29)
  • Tone: G3
  • Shifted standard tuning 440 Hz: A4/a ' = 437.11 Hz
  • Made in Germany
Tillgänglig sedan Maj 2021
Artikelnummer 520464
försäljningsenhet 1 Styck
815 kr
inklusive moms, 99 kr frakt tillkommer
tillgänglig inom kort (normalt 2-5 dagar)
tillgänglig inom kort (normalt 2-5 dagar)

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