Bandinterview: New Deadline

Musicvideo and Interview with New Deadline


Congratulations to your deal with Redfield Records! How did you connect with each other? And: why a label in Germany and not, for example, the UK? ;-)

NEW DEADLINE: Thank you! Honestly, the connection was made through relentlessly sending out demos all over the place. Redfield saw something in us and made their move. We first signed with Redfield Digital but have now climbed "up the ranks" to Redfield Records and can't thank the guys enough for having faith in our band. We think having a label on the mainland is very, very important. The scene in Central Europe is huge and we need some help to navigate that.

Do you have any experiences with the German music scene so far?

NEW DEADLINE: We've been in Germany twice now and it sure feels like home. Can't wait to get back in December. Everything so far has worked flawlessly and people have been very kind and open. It's always a nice experience for us to meet and talk with the fans after shows and such.

Lahti in Finland is your hometown, for the Germans well known as a place for Winter Sports and Olympic Games. How is it there, when the summer nights don't let the sun go down and winter times present you twilight and darkness full on?

NEW DEADLINE: Ah man, the Finnish ski jumping team hasn't been on top of their game in a while, hope they get their jumps together soon, we wish them the best of luck! Finnish nature is beautiful, especially in the summer and we wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. The winters are harsh, yes, but it sort of makes you appreciate the other seasons even more. We most likely wouldn't complain about having a two month tour in Southern Europe in the middle of the winter.

Is there a ‘Rock City Lahti' and if so: who else builds the Rock scene there?

NEW DEADLINE: There has definitely been some good bands coming from Lahti in the past. I think the town had more slow season band-wise for a couple of years, but now things are looking really positive again! The hardcore and punk scene in Lahti has always been great and vibrant. A lot of our friends play in amazing bands like Part Time Killer, Out Of Breath and Van Dammes for example, they are all originally from Lahti.

Concerning your musical style: who (else) headlines the local scene from Finland when playing festivals and bigger concerts?

NEW DEADLINE: LAPKO and Disco Ensemble are definitely the biggest ones that maybe resemble us. Those dudes have been going for such a long time and are both such good bands, it's crazy.

What about the name of the band? Is there a special story behind it? Just the silly result of a drunken after hour backstage experience? Or the missing of the most important interview in your career (besides this interview, ha ha ;-)?

NEW DEADLINE: A new deadline is kind of a state of mind. It's like: You always want to have that new goal or thing you want to conquer. That way you never stop reaching what you went after in the first place. You need that new deadline and then another, and another.

After a series of EPs your debut album has been released recently. Can you give us an overview over the reactions (in Finland and abroad)? What was the most exciting review and the most disappointing one? In General: do you feel understood with your attitude and your sound?

NEW DEADLINE: People have reacted to the album really well, actually. It's nice to see that people are getting our sound and what we have been going for. The first single "Rodeo" went to the A-playlist of the Finnish national pop radio station YleX after it's release this spring. That was absolutely crazy since the song was originally meant to be just a teaser for the album and not an actual single. All in all we feel all reviews are important and welcome every opinion on our music.

Can you tell us some details from the production? What was your goal, when entering the recording room? What did you want to avoid?

NEW DEADLINE: We recorded the album at Audiamond studio, that is in an old, small school in the country side of southern Finland. There was a farm with cows, horses and everything, right next door! A few guys have turned the school into a studio and it's absolutely beautiful. We recorded with Kane Kaspar Heinonen and are very glad we did. The recording process was very relaxed and we really got to do exactly what we wanted. There was no stress and we thoroughly enjoyed the warm spring nights.

Did you have a blueprint in your mind, when you started to write, to play and finally to produce?

NEW DEADLINE: The only thing we had in mind for the album was to be as honest to ourselves as we could, and not think too much. We write songs in very different ways depending on the situation and definitely had a lot of songs that were not even closely similar to each other. Still, when we get into a room and play the songs as a band, they slowly melt and grow into songs that sound like us.

What's the story about your new Song "Abraham"?

NEW DEADLINE: In a nutshell it's a story of two brothers who are really close but years have drifted them apart. One's fighting a war far away, when he receives news that his brother has passed. The remaining brother realises it's too late for him to turn back time but he decides to return home to his family. He's seen enough and should've never left in the first place.

Concerning the sound: what do we see if we visit your studio?

NEW DEADLINE: We've been lucky enough to get a little support from a few cool companies. We use DR Customs drums, Impression Cymbals, Blackstar guitar amps, Tokai basses and Audix Microphones for example. Nothing very special going on in our set-ups, we like simple things that sound good.

Now, after releasing "Remember": how great are your expectations and what's coming next?

NEW DEADLINE: We want to play more and more tours in Europe and promote the album by doing that. We're coming back to Germany for a couple of weeks in December with Templeton Pek from the UK, that should be good fun! We hope people enjoy our music and come see us live if they get a chance. Playing live is what we love to do and think that shows when we're on stage.

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