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PRS MT 15 Amp

119 Evaluările clienților

4.7 / 5

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83 Recenzii

PRS MT 15 Amp
2.950 lei
Transport gratuit incl. TVA
Disponibil in 3-4 Saptamani
Disponibil in 3-4 Saptamani

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Monstrously good
underGlass 29.03.2021
I bought this amp as an upgrade to my home studio setup. I'd been using a Blackstar HT-5 for about 8 years as a home practice and recording amp, and wanted something with more variety and better headroom, particularly on the clean channel. I opted for the Harley Benton G112 cab offered by Thomann - note that there are certainly more expensive cabinets out there, including the intended PRS 1x12, but as the Harley includes a Celestion V30, this was more than sufficient for my needs.

My signal chain is: PRS SE Santana (2011) -> Exotic EP Booster -> Maxon OD808 -> amp. In the effects loop: TC electronics Plethora -> TC electronics Helix -> TC electronics Flashback II (currently running as a looper).

My first impression was with no effects or overdrives/boosts, simply guitar straight into the amp. And this thing did not disappoint! The clean channel is beautiful: clear and chimey, with crisp highs and a wonderful mellow character overall. I was worried that it might sound sterile or lifeless without at least some reverb, but the character of the amp really shines through. Not surprisingly given the 6L6 power section, it's closer to Fender territory than say Marshall or Orange, but remains quite balanced without becoming harsh or shrill. The pull-out boost on the treble knob is also a welcome addition, as the clean channel does retain excellent headroom. With the boost engaged, there's a really gorgeous airiness to the tone, with strummed chords singing and single notes sustaining really clearly. Adding some delay and reverb, the treble boosted sonic palette takes on a wonderful character, becoming rich and resonant - finger picked arpeggios sound remarkably clear and full.

Most people will be interested in the overdrive channel here. Unsurprisingly, this is really outstanding. There is an enormous amount of gain on tap, although even with the gain at max, the tone remains very usable; chords retain definition and leads sound smooth and full, without sounding grainy or harsh. My own preference is to keep the gain relatively low, typically below half way (although note that this is still quite a lot of gain!), and to then add extra punch with the Exotic and midrange with the Maxon. I'm not really a metal player, but for saturated leads (ala Gary Moore, Satch, etc.) this amp is incredible. If I had one complaint, it's that the lead channel does attract some noise, even with the gain at moderate levels - not surprising, given the number of gain stages here. I usually keep a Sentry Noise Gate within my pedalboards on the Plethora, and this deals well with any extraneous hum.

My only other complaint is not having had enough time yet to play with this amp! I also considered the Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister 18 when buying the MT15. That had the added advantage of the Redbox DI, something lacking from the MT15. However, the difference in price between the two amps on Thomann is roughly the same as buying the Redbox alone, so that's always an option.

Overall, I highly recommend the MT15. I haven't gigged with it (unlikely to in the near future, given the Covid 19 situation across Europe). I can't imagine that it would struggle to keep up with a drummer; even at 7W half power, it's remarkably loud. You will not regret buying one of these!
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Probably the best amplifier for the price quality ...
Chira 22.03.2021
I live in Russia, everyone has heard about our mail, but this is the third order in a month, which comes ideal and in just 8-9 days ...
As for the "little devil".
1) Noisy loop, critically loud backgrounds at home volume.
2) 7-15 watts is more of a publicity gimmick that doesn't make it quieter for home use. (it would be better to make a general volume control for two channels)
3) This is where the cons end, this is just a great amplifier for the money !!!!!!!
The clean channel is as transparent as a baby's tear, and it is good friends with my OCD and Ibanez, and other pedals sound good in the clean channel (and sound terrible in the loop). It can be quiet enough to play with your wife sleeping in the next room at night. Pedals are essentially the only way to get crunch at low volumes.
As for the lead channel, it is VERY VERY loud, you do not need a heating pad, rather you need a fire extinguisher for this channel, a huge supply of gain, and even at its high values ​​the sound remains dense and readable. I tested it through a cabinet 2x12 celestion vintage 30 16 ohm on a Les Paul with 496r - 498t, stratocaster with Dimarzio HS2 and Blue Velvet, Amarok with EMG Retro Active, Stratocaster with Seymour Duncan JB and SH-6 - sounds great on different power pickups , a sound with hints of mesa boogie, which does not try to copy it, but has its own character. Don't look for easy crunch without pedals here.
As for the volume, I do not think that this amplifier is suitable for playing in an apartment building with the volume knob raised above 1 mm, IT IS VERY LOUD (the minimum volume of the lead channel is no different from the minimum volume of mesa boogie dual rectifier mods 100w solo head) !! ! But I also would not use an attenuator, it is quite possible to try to catch the volume at the minimum, which will be better than the same volume with an attenuator, and will allow you to play in the evening! And for the night there is a clean channel and pedals, there is a loadbox and impulses. And attenuators are probably needed by amplifiers that need to swing the output (like Fender), here it is not required IMHO and will not give anything!
Bottom line: I am very pleased with this amplifier, it is quite universal for home, rehearsals and probably live performances !!! And the backlit trick is just bombing!
P.S. If you turn on a clean channel, then standby and wait 15 seconds, then there will be no click when turned off. At least that's how it works for me.
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Constantinos Cyri 18.03.2020
I was looking for a tube amp head for rehearsal and live gigs for very long time.
I was tired of this situation where you have to see what gear the bar/ stage will have and then think if your pedals go well with their gear and so on.
I had enough for that. It was time for me to get my own fierce tube head.

I tried and watched many many heads from the cheapest ones up to 1000€ (which is what I could afford at the time)

Now am I happy that I chose this one..

+Great tone options for metal players.
+It has all the gain you need.
+As you may already understand from the tube combination in this one, it is LOUD and can easily rehearse and play at any medium sized gig (and probably even bigger gigs)
+It has the option for half power (~7 watts) which is ideal for home usage/ Don't worry, you can indeed play at home for practice with the Master Volume knob at low levels
+Foot switch included
+Case included
+Great looks (blue for clean and red for lead)

- None so far. Even the price is justified by what you get in the end.

PRS did a great job with this and I am sure I will enjoy for the years to come.
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Straight forward high gain lunchbox amp
Metalbert 04.12.2021
Of all the lunchbox amps I have seen, the MT15 just has exactly what I need on the tone department - crystal clear cleans and thick saturated high gain. Also the fact that it has 2 6l6 power tubes makes it sound like a full sized amp (they have changed the power tube to 5881 now and Tremonti said it actually made it sound better in an interview). I got this in 2020 (when it had 6l6) and writing this review now because we all have a honeymoon period with our gears where everything is a solid ten when it's new.

Tone-wise, it's all I need - good cleans and thick leads. I won't even complain it does not have reverb or any other bells and whistles like other amps in it's price range are offering because it's tone justified the price. It's a straight forward amp and you can always get a good tone with a few turns on the knobs.

Regarding build-quality there are a few issues:
The fx loop is a bit noisy, courtesy of high gain pre amp tube (12AX7) on the fx loop circuit. The remedy is to change the preamp tube of the fx loop to a lower gain tube like 12AU7 but I can live without changing it.

The master volume taper is not linear but a sudden jump at around 8 O'clock.

And lastly, my unit had a buzzy chassis. The base is a metal plate screw to the body and it can rattle at higher volumes. However, it's an easy fix by stuffing foam underneath.

Other than these three issues, I have absolutely no reason not to love this amp. It gives good tones, handles pedal like a champ, and achieve bedroom level volume without sounding too thin.
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Best Compact Tube Amp Head
Gus Posada 14.05.2019
I have a 4 cable configuration gig for different guitars and effects, and this amp has given me the satisfaction of being able to keep every as in playing live at a very confortable size.
After playing with the amp for a long while, I found it very versatile and sound is great!

Keep in mind that preamp tubes are 100% 12ax7 (1 for global input, 1 for clean gain, 2 for lead, 1 effects loop) and getting a low volume lead channel is very tricky; but sounds great!
You might want to change global input (AKA v1 tube) to a lower gain tube (12ay7-70%, 12at7-60%) if you are looking for a broader headroom. But lead channel pair of tubes will blast you out to rock-land like a charm.

Your won't be disappointed with the power tubes section (1 12ax7 inverter and 2 6L6WGC). Sound is awesome and can even use different pre-amp pedals (I recomend "Diezel VH4-2 pedal" if require extreme rock-power) directly into power stage by the effects loop return.

Response is very subtle to changes from the knobs, thou I wish the clean channel had separate gain & volume controls, just like the lead channel.

Being able to switch from 15 to 7 watts is best thing that could ever happen to you. If you would like to keep it lower with the same pre-amp response, I suggest a "JHS Pedals Little Black Amp" as the last item in your effects loop chain.

Minor noise is present, do to the compact size of the actual components inside de amp... but that's is expected when you have such a beast enclosed in a "lunch box".

Keep on Rocking In The Free World!
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Die Zeiten von fetten Heads sind vorbei
Soulhenge 18.02.2020
Eine Wahnsinns-"Lunchbox". Premium Sound für bezahlbares Geld.

Ich benutze den Amp Zuhause zum Rumspielen und Aufnehmen, der Lead Kanal ist extrem tight und aggressiv, sogar ohne Overdrive Pedal. Er hat 5150 Character, also ein sehr gesättigter Sound, jedoch ein gutes Stück wärmer. Je nach Gitarrenmodell muss man etwas Treble und Presence reindrehen, passt dann aber perfekt. Mit Overdrive beißt das Ding wie mein ENGL Fireball, wenn nicht sogar noch krasser. Der Druck im unteren Bereich ist der absolute Wahnsinn wenn ich über mein selbstgebauten 4x12 mit Vintage30 spiele. Anscheinend wird gemunkelt die 15 angegebenen Watt sind in Wirklichkeit eher 25, also laut kann das Teil jedenfalls.

Die Cleans könnten cleaner nicht sein, schön glasig und brilliant, ohne penetrante Höhen. Mit etwas Effekten lassen sich tolle Sounds hinbekommen. Bei mir ist der Boost immer an, es bleibt trotzdem 100% clean.
Das einzige Negative was ich zum Amp sagen kann ist, dass er eigentlich schon zuviel Gain hat. Dreht man den Gain Regler runter verliert der Sound nicht wirklich an Sättigung, sondern wird eher nur schwacher und plumper. Zufriedenstellende Crunchsounds konnte ich bisher noch nicht so wirklich rausbekommen, da muss man eher mit dem Cleankanal und einem Drive Pedal arbeiten. Der Amp ist wirklich stark für Metalspieler ausgelegt.
Obendrein sieht das Teil auch einfach nur mega aus.
- sehr klein, kompakt, tragbar (mit Tasche)
- FX Loop
- 2 Kanäle
- unglaublich tighte Verzerrung

- zuviel Sättigung im Leadkanal
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Great sounding little amp
Chris_br 09.07.2024
Such a huge sounding amp.

The cleans are the best I've heard from a high gain amp. Fender-y but if you pull the treble boost it adds a certain warmth to the tone (almost into vox territory).

The lead channel sounds amazing. Thick distortion. It is kind of dark by nature but the presence knob works great to remedy that. Truly great.

Having read all the comments about noise I can say that they are exaggerated. You can hear a tiny bit of hum with pedals in the fx loop but you have to put your ear next to the cab in absolute silence. Even then you can get rid of 90% of it moving around the cables.

Overall a great sounding amp for a great price
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Clean and Loud but not well designed
SB Productions 12.07.2021
-Channel lighting - cool. Blue for Clean. Red for Lead. Very easy to see what channel you are on.
-Clean Channel is very Clean. But nothing more (see cons below)
-Very loud for 15w.

-Clean Channel is ONLY Clean. Nice, but nothing more. No way to get more out of it without external pedals.
-Lead Channel is ONLY Metal, or more Metal. Nice, but no way to back off the gain, even if it is barely turned up. Can't dial anything else in.
-FX Loop is very dirty/noisy. Unusable. Not used.
-Knob configuration is terrible. For example, Master is NOT the master for the amp. It is ONLY the main for the Lead channel. And it is on the opposite end of the amp from the Lead section. Very confusing layout. Not a logical layout. Poor design.
-Handle doesn't collapse so it is not possible to stack anything.. Metal handle is always up. What is that about? Poor design.
-Soft case/Gig bag that was included is useless. No space for anything except the amp. Not even its own power cable and/or footswitch. Throw it into the bin.

Final: I would not recommend this amp. Poor design and layout and feels cheep. Not a flexible amp. It is loud for 15w and is usable for practice with a full band with the right cabinet.
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alekosh 07.02.2019
excellent amp. very loud for bedroom play. takes pedals well. had very high expectations of it and it delivered.
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Well, modern metal and rock tunes just became affordable
Jeddr 05.09.2021
Incredibly loud for a 15W. I would not hesitate to gig with it in a club without PA. But, that's not even the remarkable thing. The cleans are sweet and the high gain is so modern, it's impossible to make it sound bad.
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PRS MT 15 Amp