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Tiny tom big sound.
Martin9392 08.09.2016
I got ths to go with my black 1980s Pearl Export kit. It comes with a tom mount and cymbal stand bracket so was easy to fit where ever I wanted. In the end I put it on the bass drum, and moved all the other toms round one space using the bracket and holder for this tom to hold a 13" on a cymbal stand.
Why only 4* out of 5* for sound? well, the heads are basic. If you really want to get the best out of this tom you might want to put some Evans or Aquarian's on it. As it stands the sound is loud and boingy think the opening fill on "Land Down Under". If I could give it 4.9 stars I would, just a slight drop for the cheap Pearl heads that come with it. It is also only 4 lugs per side which to some may me too few. But I really doubt you could comfortably get more than 5 round it anyway.
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Great Product
#JetBlack 20.07.2017
This Pearl 8" add on is a great product for its money's worth, however, when I ordered the item it took over 4 weeks to come!! Disappointed with the service of the company after most of my emails were unanswered, however I greatly admire the Pearl Export Series, and the sound quality it offers.