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So fun
MD2 15.05.2020
I always wondered what instrument the scraping sounds were from some songs. Now I know. I bought this as part of the Thomann starter pack. My wife and I have been having so much fun playing this and learning the different techniques. Seems well made for the price and sounds decent.
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Decent product to work with
Anonim 21.03.2016
I use this G225 Guiro Hand mainly for small function gigs and for teaching music to kids. It sounds great and does get the job done. I have also used this in some of my recordings and it sounds absolutely fine.
One thing that kids find hard is to hold it firmly with 2 fingers, as it not really conformable on the fingers. For me I find it that holding it with two fingers for a long time it might get a bit tiring so I'll have to use the palm of my hand. Not a big deal but sometimes it does effect the sound.
All in all it was great buy and I do love this product. Quality is also good and durable.
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Just what I wanted
FinnGall 23.07.2023
I wanted a guiro as an additional percussion element in my home studio. This one didn't let me down. I didn't need anything super high end but it still sounds quality recorded, especially if double-tracked. It seems durable and is easy to handle. I'd easily recommend to anyone looking for an entry level guiro.
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HowieCapowie 23.04.2019
ok sounding guiro - Use it for what it is intented for (percussion). sounds good when recorded. would probably sound better for someone who actually is a percussionist. good price and would last if taken good care of.