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Furman PL-Plus CE


Professional Power Conditioner and Filter

  • With 10 A maximum output current
  • 10x Euro rear panel outlets and one front panel convenience outlet
  • 2x Pull out multi LED, dimmable lamps
  • With 20 LEDs voltmeter monitors and displays incoming line voltage
  • With SMP (Series Mode Protection) maintenance-free surge protection
  • With LIFT (Linear Filtering Technology) noise filtration
  • EVS (Automatic Extreme Voltage Shutdown) for shutdown / separation with permanent / extreme overvoltage
  • Resettable circuit breaker
  • Rear panel BNC connector with switch for optional gooseneck lamp (12 V / 0.5 A)
  • Design: 19" / 1U
disponibil din Februarie 2009
numărul articolului 224469
unitate de vânzare 1 bucată(ăţi)
Number of Outputs 11
Connector For Lamps Yes
Voltage Display LED
Design 19" / 1U
Total load 10 A
2.555 lei
Toate prețurile includ TVA
în stoc
în stoc

Acest produs e disponibil în stoc și poate fi expediat imediat.

Informații despre livrare
Livrare gratuită așteptată între Joi, 20.02. și Vineri, 21.02.

134 Evaluările clienților

4.8 / 5

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70 Recenzii

DJ MISU 15.09.2018
Dupa multe telefoane email-uri si consultari echipa Thomann m-a ajutat sa ''ma luminez'' in ceea ce inseamna Furman sau mai bine spus un stabilizator de tensiune.In primul rand nu eram sigur daca acest aparat este pentru studio sau pentru altceva(asta din ce am citit pe internet)Aici a intervenit echipa Thomann si m-a luminat dupa cum am scris mai sus.Deci acest aparat poate fi folosit la absolut orice inseamna aparatura audio,video,studio,dj,live etc...Este absolut superb,de cum l-am conectat la retea mi-a aratat ce tampenii circula pe reteaua de curent...stabilizeaza foarte foarte bine,bazaitul acela in anumite locatii unde impamantarea nu este facuta bine a disparut,iar echipamentul meu este''extrem de fericit''Mentionez ca echipamentul consta in 2 Boxe Jbl Srx 815 active 2subwoofere Jbl srx 818 active 1 Laptop Asus i7 o consola Pionner Xdj r1 un mixer cms 600 Dynacord 2 Mic Sennhaiser Xsv 835 Whireless si Furman-ul nici nu se sinchiseste nici nu simte(nu ma pricep la electronica pura si aveam emotii daca duce sau nu)DAR DUCE FARA PROBLEME
Il folosesc in regim de,Dj si se comporta impecabil(am descris o parte din echipament mai sus
Extrem de solid si bine lucrat
Lampi de control pe partea din fata
Un pret zic eu acceptabil(daca luam in calcul valoarea echipamentului si ceea ce face)
11 output-uri pentru conectare echipament 10 pe spate si 1 frontal arhisuficient pentru un Dj si cred ca pentru un band+-
O chestie de gust spun eu mi-ar fi placut sa aibe pe partea din fata in loc de leduri cifre(desigur exista un aparat si cu afisaj numeric dar este mult mai scump) Repet este o chestie de gust personala aparatul se comporta IMPECABIL CU SAU FARA AFISAJ NUMERIC
In rest poate lipsa cablurilor de conectare dar acest aspect este discutabil in sensul ca fiecare isi poate cumpara ce cabluri doreste,eu personal am cumparat cabluri cu o conectare IEC si una normala in sensul ca i-mi pastrez cablurile originale care au si sistem de siguranta si sunt mai lungi
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Power Conditioner That won't let you down
matt-h 02.02.2018
I'm using this for powering my complete guitar rig no mater where. I'm using it even when I'm playing at home and it never let me down. The electricity was always consistent and I never had to worry about damaging my gear.

Before digging into it in more depth here is a quick pros & cons list:

- Easy to use
- Rack mountable
- Get's the job done
- Integrated lights are powerful enough to light up your rack
- Enough power outputs to power big rigs

- Comes without any additional cables

I would be really nice if there would be at least few basic power cables included. You have to get a little bit creative if you want to connect a normal power cable based device to the Furman. Other than that I can't find anything bad about it. It's a power conditioner and it works flawlessly.
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semnaleaza un abuz

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Amazing unity
Niozik 29.02.2020
For the first time I get to see how my electricity behaves. One of my speaker got burnt before. So I could not risk any further. Highly recomend to use this along with balanced cables (TRS/XLR) in order to avoid interference. When I first connected I was going crazy about the high pitch noise coming from speakers. Turned out I had TS cables from out of my sound card into my headphone amplifier then out of the headphone amp into the speakers. I just used a TRS connector from the output of the sound cardo into the heaphone amp and my problem was fixed. Now I have everything on my studio connected to this unity. Including hard driver . . . Best things I could ever buy . . . do not regret any cent spent on this
semnaleaza un abuz

semnaleaza un abuz

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Furman PL-Plus C E
Anonim 18.02.2016
Before I've ordered the Power conditioner Furman PL-Plus CE, I've sent an e-mail withsome questions about the item after trying to get them from the web, but with no success.
From the first replay from Thomann team I've got very kind and professional reply which gave me the answers to my questions and even some information beyond.
I've ordered the Furman PL-Plus CE from Thomann and got it after 3 and a half weeks, in Israel.
The package was packed well and protected the item's box from inside.
The item is exact like I expected, looks professional and impressive, and now it looks cool in my guitar rack! ;) Now, I know that all my gear is protected, so I feel that from now on I can play more calm and not to worry for electricity shocks, even when it's raining outside! :)
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