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Nicholas van Aalst 23.02.2021
After getting the 1974 I fell in love with the drawmer collection. This thing sounds amazing, even a 1dB boost widens and enhances your mix unlike a plug-in would. I purchased the 1976 and 1978 afterwards and I can't imagine mixing without them now. Would recommend!
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sweet sounding
Palla-bee 26.03.2021
im using it on channels to clean up or boost and on the masterbus in my beats. it sounds amazing and ive never experienced any plugin eq who sounds as good as this and its stereo, the cons would be the price and no 4+/ -10 switch, but then again the price is worth it. if you want to start with analog gear this would be the first box i would buy. very happy with it
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Definitely worth it !
TCrettz 19.02.2024
Sometimes you wonder, plugins maybe sound like analogue gear…
Well, this is wrong !
If you are serious about what you do, buy the gear !
If you need an EQ, don’t pay 200 bucks for a plugin, save some more and buy this Drawmer EQ !