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Ben costruito e robusto. Si porta bene sulle spalle anche con carichi un po' pesanti. Cerniere morbidissime. Tasche in gran quantità e portabottiglie laterale. Può contenere un PC portatile accedendo da una tasca laterale. Lo uso per portare del materiale vario nelle conferenze dove faccio il tecnico audio/video ed è fantastico.
Super consigliato.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
A Must Have
Jack D 06.11.2016
What a great buy this was!!
The UDG Digi BackPack B/O has literally made my journeys to and from work easier, I used to to go to work with one backpack and a laptop bag, but since purchasing this bag i have reduced it down to one single bag and also have managed to cram in more stuff due to its subtle size.
- This bag offers an awesome amount of space and has tons on compartments for separating items, All of which are highly accessible.
- The straps of this bag are really comfortable and continue to be, even with a heavier load.
- The water bottle compact is made of a tough spandex type material and can take quite large bottles which is really handy for gigs.
- The heavy duty zips are brilliant, nothing worse than a broken zip.
- I found it hard to fault the bag, so im being fussy in saying I'd like there to be a bit more protection at the rear of the back where the laptop goes, im not sure if it the bag could take a heavy fall and still protect.
This bag has the best of both worlds, its extremely practically and yet remains sleek in design. Im in fact buying another and dedicating one bag solely to my controller.
Ive also sewn a small battery powered led light inside the bag which I found very helptul while on gigs.