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Savarez Argentine 1610


Strings For Acoustic / Gypsy Guitars

  • Silver-plated copper
  • Gauges: 010 - 014 - 022 - 028 - 036 - 045
  • With ball end
In catalogo dal Novembre 2006
Numero di articolo 196413
Unità incluse 1 Pezzo
Strength of the strings 010 - 045
Strength of the strings 0,010" – 0,045"
Material Silver
€ 10,60
IVA inclusa,€ 5,90 di costi di spedizione aggiuntivi
Sconto quantità
Prezzo al pezzo Risparmi Importo
€ 10,60 1
€ 9,59 9,5% 12
€ 9,49 10,5% 24

Questo prodotto è disponibile e può essere spedito immediatamente.

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125 Valutazioni dei clienti

4.7 / 5

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52 Recensioni

google translate gb
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Authentic Gypsy jazz sound
Anonimo 09.02.2017
Classic strings for gypsy jazz/swing, nice tone, well made, yet to see how they lost in the long term goals but sounding good already.
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google translate gb
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Pleasant surprise!
Limerot 07.08.2023
Bought a Sigma OM some weeks ago. Changed the strings to a set of Labella 010 on the guitar upon arrival. Great strings. I play fingerstyle and chords in open E tuning with my thumb, mostly. As the Labella's are great strings, the guitar still got a mid hump sound that is warm (and gentle) - but for my style, the guitar missed something in the treble register.

As I need more attack in the sound as I play with my thumb, I gave the Savarez Argentine a try. What a relief it was!

The guitar sounds way better, as the mid hump was replaced with less warmth and the treble register is much more noticeble without sounding harsh. This is using my thumb when playing. Do not play with a pick, so this has not been tried. But without a pick - these strings are gold! Even fingerstyle. The guitar sounds more "dry" with a little less bass, but the bass is clear as spring water and the treble range is much more complex and airy. I have tried so many strings and brands before, but my gamble on these strings was pure bliss!

One other thing: the feel and "touch" are great on these strings. Always rub new strings with GHS Fast Fret before use. But these strings did not need Fast Fret to feel good. No machine oil on these strings when new.

If you play with your thumb or don't use a pick - and feel your guitar sounds a little dull or lack something, these strings are definitely worth a try. Not only for Django-jazz style, these strings.

The only bad thing (for me): I would like a thicker low E string (050).
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Best chords for Manouche/Gyspy Guitars
omgfallen 17.03.2021
Hot sound, the strings have a color that other strings can't reproduce.
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google translate gb
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Good Strings 05.11.2014
The only strings I use on my Gypsy Guitar. Very good indeed - but pricey !
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