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Background Story
Nino El Dino 15.05.2022
I truly suggest getting at least this device a try to get to know more about your cat, while beautiful green gardens work it out themselves. The way of making the DB25 running at a rather clear audio communication less than a confusing and very historical plug makes me feel very happy, because I feel like - as a musician and also singer - I’d be finally getting to work things out since I had been going through damaging mathematical problems like for example root, root of 25 and so on. Thank You very much and stay strong with heavily earthed down and downtoearth techniques! 🌻🙏🍕
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Of great convenience
Hieronymus 09.10.2018
Not only AES/EDU digital signal it can deliver, but also Analog signal it is able to carry. It makes no bad difference and is very robust. I employ it as a I/O bridge with Merging HAPI. A D-sub 25 can not bring colors or impurities in music indeed.