Around one year since I bought this stick bag and I'm still very happy about it. No signs of wear, although I wasn't using it heavily (around once-twice a week for band practice - no gigging).
I find strap hardware to be very useful, as I can attach it to backpacks, bicycles, guitar bags etc. Small pocket for a drum key is also a nice feature (although not really necessary).
I always have 3-4 pairs of different drumsticks and few brushes (metal, plastic), and I never had lack of space. I think it can easily fit twice more.
Hanging the bag on the floor tom is also super useful, although sometimes one of the loops slips from the tom lug, but it never fell completely. I suppose, depends how clumsy you are.
Only one minor thing I wish can be improved - bigger accessory pocket for situations when I'm riding in summer with just drumsticks and a cell phone (of course it's very individual and you might not care at all).
Is it worth the money? I don't know - depends on how much do you earn and if you need neat little features. But do I like it? Absolutely!