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Single String
For steel string guitar
Bronze wound
Nanoweb coating
The patented Nanoweb coating on Elixir strings prevents the deposition of dirt and sweat in the string windings. This means that the natural sound of the string is retained even after repeated playing.
The extremely thin Nanoweb coating does not prevent the string from having a natural feel
In catalogo dalSettembre 2006
Numero di articolo192078
Unità incluse1 Pezzo
String gauge023
for Electric GuitarNo
for Western GuitarYes
for Classic GuitarNo
string gauge in inch0,0230"
Mostra varianti di questo prodotto
Elixir .023 Western Guitar
Elixir .023 Steel-String Guitar
Single String
* For steel string guitar
* Bronze wound
* Nanoweb coating
* The patented ...
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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
The best !
explorerc 06.06.2021
I use this string with my acoustic guitar, I can tell that, one of the best. I bought additionally because I did not want to take one from one set of strings. Always good to have some spare strings..
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Das ewige Leben...
Andreas D. 21.10.2009
... haben diese Saiten auch nicht. Aber länger geht's auch nicht. Eigentlich brauche ich erstmals einzelne Ersatzsaiten, weil die Saiten so lange gut klingen, dass sie eher durch- als stumpfgespielt sind. Insgesamt eine sparsame Angelegenheit.