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Cabinet acheté pour une tête RUMBLE 200 et une P Bass American Standard.
l'ensemble est cohérent et vraiment efficace.
Le rendement est excellent y compris à la maison à faible puissance, la qualité du son est remarquable y compris avec l'iPod qui donne une très bonne musicalité.
Le poids est correct et les encastrements pour les pieds de la tête dans l'enceinte très astucieux.
Qualité de fabrication
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Fender Pas decue.
Maude 01.03.2020
Coupler avec un Bugera Veyron c'est parfait.
Le son pour du Metal sympho, Rock, Funk, World est très agréable.
On peut couper le Twitter, Pader de 15 db.
Une caractéristique importante le Poids.
17 kilo avec roulette (très appréciable), c'est la limite mais ça passe pour une nana.
Il n y a pas de Grille de protection sur la baffle donc faite Attention pour le transport.
Seul défaut que je trouve a ce CAB.
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Quite Satisfied -- Sehr zufrieden
Anonyme 27.10.2016
Bought the fender 115 because it is only 17 kilo. I'm using it with a Warwick LWA1000 head.
I've used three different instruments so far:
* fender jazz with flat wound strings.
* a friends active bass
* upright bass (kontrabass) with
shadow sh950 pickups
fishman bp100
with and without the fishman pro-eq preamp
For electric bass my band mate and I were quite happy with the sound when playing with fingers. Playing with a pick and distorted it did not have the punch of a 410. But we think that is just the fast attack nature of the 4x10 compared to the 1x15.
The upright bass with the sh950 worked excellently both with and without the pre-amp over the Warwick head. I was not happy with the fishman sound. Apparently that is an impedance issue with the warwick that I was not clever enough to solve.
So 5 star sound for Stand-up, 4,5 for finger playing, and 4 for metal distorted sound.
I play in one band with upright bass and another indie punk original band, so it seems like a good compromise for me!
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Lightweight and massive sound
Discohenge 25.11.2019
This cab is the lightest I've ever encountered in my life. It's got the perfect size for carrying by yourself.
It is not cumbersome in any way what so ever.
I would highly recommend this cab if you're lugging your gear around a lot. This will save you on all the future tears you will have because of crippling back pain in years to come.
It's Fender, it's reliable, it sounds great for punching out the low ends.
If you want a absolutely brilliant cab with a really affordable price range, look no further.