You pay this much money for a guitar and you expect value for money.
I know Gibson have had a rough time over the last few years, but I think they have done well in this new model.
I will say this... If you are a die hard "classic LP" fan, this might not be for you.
It is light. Nowhere near my previous LP experiences.
It feels different. The profiled neck, the thumb cutout on the foot of the neck, the top hat dials... it is not a classic LP feel at all.
However, for those of you LP fans who want something a bit different... I mean, it hits my buttons. The added function of split coils. The lighter feel to it. Well done Gibson.
Sure, some things might have been done differently to make it more "modern" as the name might suggest, but you are buying a Les Paul for one reason; and Gibson have done a good job in modding it to make it feel more modern, while maintaining the heritage look of what is absolutely critical.