This pedal was bought as the solution to multiple issues, i wanted a pedal that could function as a di or work with my amp, or both, for live settings. To be able to record high quality tones without micing a cab or using plugins, and to fulfil a specific purpose on my pedalbaord as i always run a compressor last in my chain, this pedal does all I require and more, it has multiband eq, headphone out and line in so i can connect my phone and headphones and practice with songs quietly.
Going to the darkglass suite gives the option to change cabsims or engage the fullband clean compression, allowing this pedal to function as an amp/cab replacement, distortion, compressor and practice tool.
Overall im quite inpressed with the pedal, the frequency selection knobs i leave wide open so theres crossover of bass/trable frequencies for a thicker/more traditional sound, dialling in these knobs seperates the bass and treble frequencies being compressed/distorted for a more modern distorted tone. The multiband eq allows total control of tone sculpting, however i leave these mostly flat or sometimes with a boost to treble and bass frequencies, dialling in the high treble frequencies too much seems to add a lot of hiss to the signal, however for bass i doubt anyone will be boosting the treble frequencies to the max so this is not an issue