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I bought it after reading all the great reviews and decided to go for this one.
The clamp and gooseneck, nothing to say. A little bit of rubber or foam would be appreciated where the clamp meets the mic stand... maybe.
However the outer plastic rim holding the pop-shield in place is terrible. First, it doesn't hold the pop-shield well and it keeps popping out as soon as you fiddle with it. Second, the tiny screw below the pop shield can't be tighten enough because its thread doesn't sit tight in its lodging and keeps spinning when tightening.
Really happy with this pop shield. Although it was a bit pricier than others it seems very well built and it definitely stops pops. I bought it for voice-over work mainly, having just used windshields on my dynamic mics before, and this allows me to record with a much more open sound without the damping of a windshield and no pops! It seems sturdy and I now use it every time I do any dialogue recording!