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The product creates a lot of static noise in both headset and master output making it useless. The intent was to use DJ Pro on iPad with Focal5 speakers.
If tried different combinations to fix this:
Power supply:
- Dell Latitude PC
- Dedicated 108W USB power supply (without any other devices connected)
- Battery pack
- All above connected to DJ Buddy with bundled purple USB cable with ferrite box
Device to run DJ Pro and connection to Buddy:
- iPad (quality USB-C cable)
- iPhone Pro 14 (Lightning cable)
- tried disconnecting speakers, still static in headset
- tried disconnecting headset, still static in speakers
- speakers/headphones connected, static in both
I'm very disappointed in the product. First impression of the physical product quaility was ok, but this experience make me think it is just a piece of expensive plastic.
I work in electronics and you get these problems if you use dirt cheap components and have a poor PCB design. After reciving the device and experienced these problems I have found a lot of other customers having problems with noise so it seems to be a common issue.
So stay away. Now I need to find a way to return this product and get my money back.