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Having used these forever since they are reasonable to replace and I do a lot of scratching etc. (I found that i broke these way more often mixing techno than when scratching),
It wasnt until I more recently invested in more expensive needles that I realised these were perfect all along. Qberts are much louder and better for old records but there is an unnatural eq curve than comes with them. These s feel a bit nicer on the low frequencies even though they have a lower voltage so need more amplification.
For just mixing they are perfect more expensive options may just be the snake oil that you cant afford to break and replace. If you use these already and are suspicious of them, have confidence and maybe be suspicious of a differebt part of your signal chain instead.
I use these at least weekly at a club-night that I run and they are good quality and not too expensive. At home I use higher-end cartridges but for the price, these are excellent.