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Behringer NR300 Noise Reducer


Effects pedal

  • Noise Reduction
  • Regulators for Thres and Decay
  • Switch for mute / reduction
  • Additional send / return loop for noise reduction of external effect devices
  • Power supply: 9V battery (optional) or 9VDC power supply (optional)
Fås siden Marts 2010
Artikelnummer 244983
salgsenhed 1 stk
Effect Types Noise Reduction
219 kr
Inkl. moms. Obs! Yderligere fragtomkostninger 45 kr
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Afsendelse forventet torsdag, 17.10.

346 Kundebedømmelser

4 / 5

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184 Anmeldelser

Kan bruges....
Anonym 19.09.2016
Penge og kvalitet hænger i dette tilfælde helt sammen!
En billig noise reducer, der til nød kan bruges, hvis man ikke sætter for mange pedaler sammen.
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ok til prisen
Frank177 28.12.2016
Denne Noise Reducer virker nogenlunde til prisen
den lukker dog ikke alt sus og støj ude og virker meget
knapperne virker meget skrøbelige
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google translate gb
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
Do not care what they say, it simply works
coldestbeerintown 24.01.2020
First and foremost, this pedal does the job and does it well.

I play heavy riffs through a high gain amp which naturally has a lot of noise. The gain on my amp is almost always cranked up to the maximum. I have many pedals in my signal chain and each one of them contributes to the overall noise. When I turn this pedal on, there is a very noticeable and immediate silence.

I have read a few reviews that said that this pedal cannot reduce the noise enough.
I wonder what kind of noise they are trying to reduce. I assume that there is a misunderstanding on how a noise gate operates.
Please understand that a noise gate pedal will never reduce the noise of pedals or components that come AFTER it in the signal chain.
It will never reduce the sound of the actual signal, it will only reduce the sound/his/hum when you stop playing. As soon as you start playing, it will disengage and let all the sound/noise go through it. If you are trying to clean or shape the actual signal, use an EQ pedal instead. Please keep these points in mind and adjust your expectations from a noise gate pedal accordingly.

The pedal has send/return loop which is quite helpful if you know how to take advantage of it.

It has a plastic box and feels cheap. Although I must say that I have never seen a pedal that was broken because it had a plastic box. I think it is only a feeling thing.

I use this pedal before the amp or in the effects loop of the amp and both situations in performs well. No matter what I play I always find a use for this pedal. It’s worth the money.
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google translate gb
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
Affordable noise gate - just don't abuse it.
Vepar 06.09.2019
Well... It's a noise gate. It does what it says it does. With some caveats.

It works pretty good, but even at the slowest decay setting it can be a little slow to activate. There's 2 modes - mute and reduction.

Mute works by completely stopping the signal when treshold is reached, and reduce, just reduces the noise overall above a certain treshold. Both modes have their uses depending on what you need, but the decay on the mute setting is a little slow so i would not recommend it to someone who plays "djenty" riffs as it won't activate so quickly between the note rests.

For pretty much everything else, it's very usable. You do have to know what the controls do in order to utilize it properly (as with all gates) because it's not one of the "intelligent" gates. It works how you set it up. So if it doesn't work like you want it to, adjust the controls.

The quality is what you get from around $20 pedal. It's completely plastic, connectors are wonky at best and the on/off switch is really not suitable for freuqent stomping. You get what you pay for in this department. The knobs and the switches are ok though.

It has 2 ins and 2 outs so you can use the 4 cable method to even gate the preamp section of your amp through the FX loop. That's an amazing feature and it works well!

I recommend it to someone who either doesn't know if they need a noise gate or needs one that will stay firmly planted on the pedalboard and not stomped on too much because the stomp switch feels flimsy and will probably break with frequent use. Leave it on and forget about it, that's the best use of this pedal because it does the job, just won't stand up too much abuse.
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