8 of the Scariest Halloween Soundtracks

8 of the Scariest Halloween Soundtracks

Soundtracks and songs from horror films have been proving for decades how a frightening spectacle can be enormously intensified using music… Check out these soundtracks…

Back 2 School
Choosing Your First Musical Instrument

Choosing Your First Musical Instrument

The first instrument is often one that stick with you for life… Which one will you give to your friend, child or relative?

Hello New Gear – August 2021

Hello New Gear – August 2021

Buckle up for another ride of innovative new products from the music world…

Top 5 Music Gear Forums

Top 5 Music Gear Forums

Where do you interact with the community of musicians online? Here are our top 5 music and gear forums…

Hello New Gear – February 2021

Hello New Gear – February 2021

It’s already February 2021, we can’t believe it either! This month brings many hot and innovative products to the market, here they are…


Quiz – Which European Music Festival Matches Your Vibe?
Quiz – Which European Music Festival Matches Your Vibe?

Quiz – Which European Music Festival Matches Your Vibe?

In what order do we connect the effect pedals?
In what order do we connect the effect pedals?

In what order do we connect the effect pedals?

Festival Survival Guide
Festival Survival Guide

Festival Survival Guide

First Was the Beat | Equipment for Beat Production
First Was the Beat | Equipment for Beat Production

First Was the Beat | Equipment for Beat Production

What makes a city “musical”?

What makes a city “musical”?

Do you live in the most “musical” city? What does “musical” even mean when relating to urban places? Read on…