Legendary Guitar Amp brands - header
Legendary Guitar Amp brands – Marshall, Fender & co.

Legendary Guitar Amp brands – Marshall, Fender & co.

What are some of the most legendary guitar amp brands? Surely you know some of them. Check out this article for some insight…

Top 5 Electric Guitar Amps of 2020

Top 5 Electric Guitar Amps of 2020

Guitar amps, an electric guitar’s best friend. Our Top 5 list will not disappoint, we are pretty happy with 2020’s offerings…

Top 5 Bass Amps of 2020

Top 5 Bass Amps of 2020

Bass amps! Amplifying the low end is an important part of your sound. Here’s our Top 5 pick of 2020…

Hit the Tone! Indie & Alternative

Hit the Tone! Indie & Alternative

What is “indie” and how does it sound? You’ll get the inside scoop on how to get close to this sound, or attitude, in this article…

Top 5 Acoustic Guitar Amps of 2019

Top 5 Acoustic Guitar Amps of 2019

Make your acoustic guitar shine on stage in all its natural glory, don’t settle for less. Here are our Top 5 Acoustic Guitar Amps…