Regram to win

Regram to win

In order for you to Rock out and be even better equipped in 2016, we have come up with an idea. By joining our Instagram-Contest you will have the chance to win a Thomann gift voucher with a value of a 100 Euro. It is very simple to enter our contest and have a chance to win, all you need to do is:

1. Visit Instagram and subscribe to our channel:

2. Share („regram“) our posted contest picture on your own Instagram-Profile using the hashtag #thomannwin. A bit of advice: In order to regram, you will need a Regram-App or you could also simply post a screenshot of the contest picture.

3. The contest ends on January 11th 2016 at 23:59:59. On January 12th 2016 we will notify the lucky winner via Instagram, provide further information about how to proceed and will also announce the winner in this blog post. Follow the link to read the terms and conditions and learn all about this contest.

Good luck, we are keeping our fingers crossed for you!


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Vincent started frequenting music shops at age eight. Picking up the Bass and Guitar followed not long after, as did bands. His love for music, from Sixties Pop and Soul to AnarchoPunk and Death Metal has only deepened with the years. He still regularly plays at Jam sessions, from Berlin to Cambodia.


    Honestly, if the only prize is one 100 euro voucher, it’s the cheapest marketing campaign on earth. Get 1000’s of people to advertise Thomann for a 100 euro cost…For the biggest music shop in Europe I would expect something more grand.

    Hi Steven, this is one of many contests and giveaways we do, we are mostly trying to interact with our customers. In terms of ‘marketing’ I think pretty much the vast majority of musicians in most of EU have at least heard of us. Some of the other stuff we do: we give away 1000 euro voucher plus 3x a 100 euro voucher, simply to thank people that review our items, we had a Xmas song contest very recently where people could win an all expenses paid visit, a build your own Guitar kit contest with nice prize etc etc. 🙂

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