126 search results for „Hit the tone

Our gift ideas for singers

Because singers have a hard job and often need to be front and centre, we have a list of awesome gift tips today. You can find a perfect gift for any kind of singer in our ...

Our gift ideas for guitar players

The electric guitar has revolutionized music and in some ways even the world. In this article you will surely find a great gift for any guitar player, guitars, complete sets ...

Keyboards and E-pianos: our gift ideas and suggestions

Whether you are playing classical music or producing new hits, keyboards and E-pianos are instruments that are never out of style. Today we share a selection of the very best gift ...

Our gift ideas for bass players

You will most certainly get an even better mood when you look at our selection of gift ideas for bass players of all levels.

Acoustic Drums: Our tips for gifts

You are looking for the perfect gift for a drummer? We haven come up with great examples for every level and budget in this blog entry.

10 Helpers on Stage

We have compiled a list for you and your Bandmates, in order to make sure that you are prepared for anything that might crop up when you next play a gig! Here you can read all ...