Mark Holcomb – Geartalk & Songwriting tips

Mark Holcomb – Geartalk & Songwriting tips

Earlier this week, we met with Mark Holcomb the exceptional guitarist of Periphery and Haunted Shores. Amongst other things, we spoke about his PRS signature guitar and his outstanding signature pickups developed with Keith Merrow. Furthermore we asked questions about songwriting, different composition methods and much more? All answers including some amazing guitar tunes can be seen in the following video. ?

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More Information

The guitar
PRS SE Mark Holcomb HB 2017

The pickups
Seymour Duncan Alpha & Omega

PRS SE Mark Holcomb HB 2017

Author’s gravatar
Lawrence started playing the electric guitar because of his passion for rock music. Back in the day he played in a metal band, but now plays more for himself.

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