Iconic Symbols – The Power of Music

Iconic Symbols – The Power of Music

“The Power of Music” has been the motto here at Thomann since September 2015,  music and what it can do has been under the spotlight. Music has the power to connect, develop and support people. It has different ways of tearing down walls and breaking down boundaries and changing them. Music is a physical phenomenon, technically speaking it changes the airwaves, but it also affects non-material, bodiless and intangible things like emotion and friendship.

The Power of Music campaign was composed by the agency Dirk & Philipp from Berlin. With the “Iconic Symbols” the campaign enters the first phase. On a symbolic level: Images can often unleash a tremendous emotional power. The motifs of these Iconic Symbols carry within them a strong symbolic force, a message that becomes tangible only on another level. We do not want to spoil too much, see below

Take the motifs of the “Iconic Symbols”, travel with the astronaut into another galaxy. Get in the spaceship and buckle up, let’s go! ?

Sometimes walls have to be destroyed to clear our vision …


Music opens doors…


Music ignites the night …


Travel to other worlds thanks to music …


Get to the fresh growth by weeding & rimming – music tears out our problems and show us what’s really important


Destroy the old to build something new…


Music is a gift. Why not give it to others (and treat yourself)?


Music can be deep on many levels…



How do you like the motifs? Which is your personal favourite? We appreciate your comments! ✍

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Joe has been singing since he can remember and started playing guitar when he was 10. He's been using it as a songwriting tool ever since. He is passionate about melody and harmony and admires musicians who create these in unique ways. Check out his alternative / indie projects Best of Feelings and Zef Raček.

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