Build your own Harley Benton – Contest

Build your own Harley Benton – Contest

We have already received a huge number of emails and photos and are amazed each time at what you manage to conjure up from a Harley Benton assembly kit. Take for example the children from class 1BFF2 of the Heinrich Hübsch School in Karlsruhe, who have designed their own Harley Benton guitars in their class project “Designing an Electric Guitar”. Many thanks to the class for the email with many photos – you’ve truly produced some real masterpieces! 🙂

Now it’s your turn!

Coole Idee: E-Gitarren im Unterricht bauenBuild your personal guitar creation with a Harley Benton assembly kit – the crazier, more innovative and more creative, the better! We don’t mind when you finished the guitar or whether it was made from an electric bass, ukulele or electric guitar assembly kit. A guitar you have already built is also eligible for the competition. The only condition in this respect is that you used a Harley Benton assembly kit. You can find out which kits are allowed by clicking this link. If you’ve asked for an assembly kit this Christmas, all the better – now you have the chance to profit from it even more by entering your own design!

When you are finished, send five clear, informative photos (no more than two megabytes), a short description of your Harley Benton model and the idea behind it, and your personal data (full name, customer number and telephone number) to us at with the subject : Harley Benton Contest

Oben: der Entwurf - hier sind die Meisterwerke der Schüler bereits fertigSitting in the jury is Rudi Ens (Master Guitar Builder in the Thomann Service Centre), Lasse Ternoe (Product Developer at Harley Benton), Oli Schott (Thomann Custom Guitars) and Alena (apprentice of the year – Thomann guitar department).

The contest begins with immediate effect and will continue up to and including 4 January 2016. The winner and the best submissions will be announced in early January right here on the Click here to view the full terms and conditions of the contest.

We look forward to seeing your Harley Benton creation!

Click here to view the Harley Benton assembly kits



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Vincent started frequenting music shops at age eight. Picking up the Bass and Guitar followed not long after, as did bands. His love for music, from Sixties Pop and Soul to AnarchoPunk and Death Metal has only deepened with the years. He still regularly plays at Jam sessions, from Berlin to Cambodia.


    Has the decision of who won been made?

    Hi Markos, yes the winner is known, check out this blog later this evening to see how won! 🙂

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