mathias-hermansson @

written by mathias-hermansson

Music Makes Everything a Little Bit Better!

Don't you agree that music makes everything in life just a little better? We do...

Synaesthesia – Colours in music

Did you know that some people see colours when they hear music? Read more...
Wendepunkte in der Musikgeschichte Blog

9 turning points that changed popular music – PART 2

There have always been musical inventions and visionary pioneers of their musical discipline that have left their audiences in awe Technical innovations have repeatedly opened up ...
Blogartikel Wendepunkte in der Rockmusik

9 underestimated turning points that changed popular music

Modern music had some major turning points and key figures which defined generations. Read about some of them here...

E-Drums: What to consider when buying some?

E-drums have developed at a dizzying rate! What do I need to know before buying a kit?

Music Makes Everything a Little Bit Better!

Don't you agree that music makes everything in life just a little better? We do...

What makes a cable a good cable?

Cables, cables, cables: they do matter more than we may think!

New YouTube channel: Studio & Recording

Welcome to our new YouTube channel: Thomann Studio & Recording!


The cassette » Fascinating facts, historical background & the history surrounding the (once) popular audio medium. ✓ Read now!
Freddie Mercury Queen

10 Facts about Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury would have been 75 today. Let's celebrate his amazing life with 10 interesting facts...