Freddie Mercury Queen
10 Facts about Freddie Mercury

10 Facts about Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury would turn 75 on 5 September. Deceased in November 1991, the charismatic and not infrequently flamboyant singer of Queen can still be heard everywhere after more than 30 years with worldwide hits like Bohemian Rhapsody, Another One Bites The Dust, We Are The Champions and many more. Freddie fascinated with his unmistakable voice and extroverted stage presence. Here, in this article, we remember the Queen frontman with some interesting facts.


1. Absolute identification with his artistic figure

His real name was Farrokh Bulsara, but he ignored it completely. Instead, he immersed himself so deeply in his stage persona, Freddie Mercury, that he wanted to be called Freddie by everyone without exception. But that wasn’t enough art identification: in the ’70s he had his name changed and had “Frederick Mercury” entered on his identity card!

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2. Master of vocal cords


In 2016, researchers at the Czech University of Olomouc analysed the peculiarities of Freddie’s voice. The vocal cords of a rock singer who imitated Freddie’s tones were filmed with a high-speed camera, and various audio recordings were also analysed. The result: In addition to his chest and falsetto voice, Freddie was able to activate undertones through throat singing. In addition, his vocal cords could produce high-speed vibrations. Vibrations between 5.4 and in extreme cases 6.9 Hz per second are common. Freddie managed an incredible 7.04 Hz.

Freddie Mercury Queen Meme


3. In top shape after quarrels

Freddie himself told in interviews that he gave the best performances after quarrels and lovesickness. Apparently, he needed emotionally draining and conflict-laden conditions to reach top form on stage and rise above himself. Among the well-known stories is the loud and violent argument with his then lover Bill Reid before a concert in Milton Keynes. Bill bit Freddie’s hand so hard that it bled profusely. The performance became legendary.

4. Queen logo from the graduated pen of Freddie

Freddie was a graphic design graduate from Ealing Art College. And so he also designed the opulent band logo himself. Besides the similarity to the coat of arms of the British monarchy, the elaborate logo is characterised by the symbolic combination of the band members’ zodiac signs. The two lions to the left and right of the “Q” and crown stand for Roger Taylor and John Deacon, the cancer in the middle for Brian May and the two fairies symbolise Virgo, Freddie’s sign.

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5. Record breaking recording

A record from 2019 proves how timeless and everlasting Queen’s songs are: The music video for “Bohemian Rhapsody” had reached over 1 billion streams, making it the first video released before 1990 with this extreme number of clicks. YouTube record over 44 years after the first music video for this song was released.

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6. Never let an inspiration evaporate

Together with Brian May, Freddie Mercury was Queen’s main composer. He was always ready to absorb ideas and impressions. To ensure that none of his flashes of inspiration got lost, his assistants were instructed to always carry a writing pad and pen with them. Life Is Real was written in this way as a homage to John Lennon during a flight across the Atlantic.

7. Ballet dancers

During his live performances with Queen, he always showed a diva-like and artistic stage presence. Freddie lived the music full of pathos from head to toe. In fact, he was also an outstanding ballet dancer. In 1979 he performed with The Royal Ballet. During the ballet performance, he sang Bohemian Rhapsody and Crazy Little Thing Called Love, two of his Queen hits.

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8. Cat lover who even talked to his cats on the phone

Freddie was infatuated with cats. He even dedicated several songs to his purring pets, such as Delilah, a song on the album Innuendo, in which cat-like passages can be heard. When he was on tour, Freddie always called home. The reason: he wanted to talk to his cats. At peak times he had no less than ten cats.


9. Obsessed with music and creativity until the end

On 24 November 1991, Mercury died as a result of AIDS. The news of his illness was launched only one day before his death. Due to his rapidly deteriorating condition, he hastened the passing by refusing to take any medicine other than painkillers. According to Brian May, Freddie had no fear whatsoever, and instead was obsessed with music until the end. “Write me songs. (…) I just want to sing it and when I’m gone, you finish it.”

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10. A dazzling myth even beyond his death

To this day, it remains unclear whether there is a resting place for Freddie. After his death on 24 November 1991, his body was cremated at the West London Crematorium. However, at the request of his mother, no memorial was erected in the cemetery. There is a pilgrimage site for fans, though: Freddie is immortalized with a statue in Montreux on Lake Geneva, where, it is rumoured, his ashes were scattered.

Happy 75th birthday Freddie; your voice will never fade away.


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Full time songwriter and performing artist from Finland. Finlands biggest Yanni- fan.


    Freddie was a rare talent. I loved him then and I love him today. Happy Birthday Freddie. Never to be forgotten.??❤️

    …dacă asculți odată LP-ul Bohemian Rapsody devii instant genul acestei formații și al solistului formației, o voce greu de egalat! Greu de uitat vocea lui Freddie, greu de uitat membrii formației May, Deacon, Taylor adevărați muzicieni profesioniști!…

    Devii instant fanul acestei formații (cer scuze,n-am fost atent la corector)

    I bought “A Night At The Opera” in spring 1976 (I was 14 …) ; at that time nobody knew Queen in France … Saw them on live on stage in ’79, twice in ’82, ’84 & ’86 … Most of the times, I was in the first rows … His memories live on with me forever …

    Un geniu inegalabil….pacat ca uneori celebritatea e atat de greu de purtat….

    Muzica si textele mi au reprezentat firea, caracterul,etc! Il adoram! Si acum ascult cu mare placere, iar cand am o suparare, ascult toate albumele incepand cu “Show Must go On” si plang dupa el! ?❤️?

    I am 71 years old and I am obsessed with and love Freddie Mercury. What a talent, what a spirit, the man was music and love.

    I’m in a Queen Tribute band called Celebrating Queen and I’m keyboardist – everything I know, from the point of view of piano technique and how to master and learn a song came from watching, listening and learning everything Freddie did – in a way, he was my Piano Teacher.

    Indeed, he was additionally an extraordinary ballet performer. Embroidered dress In 1979 he performed with The Royal Ballet

    Freddie Mercury the great singer, Thank you so much for such a nice post, love it.

    Indeed, he was additionally an extraordinary ballet performer. Dress Designing In 1979 he performed with The Royal Ballet


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