Home Office Stories

Home Office Stories

TOGETHER WE ARE LESS ALONE… through a series of mini portrait-interviews, we go behind the scenes and let our staff members tell their story and how the daily routine feels like, working from home – because they are the heart of our company.


GUILLAUME – Youtube star by day & guitar-hero by night

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?? CHLOÉ – Super mama working from home

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    Guten Morgen allerseits! Like Germany, Japan is now fighting against the Chinese coronavirus. My band has postponed all the studio training, not touring and live performances. And everyone endures by telework at stay home. Now I am very saved by watching the YouTube video of everyone at Thomann GmbH. Let’s fight the Chinese coronavirus together!
    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who sent the “Duallist D3 Triple Pedal” I ordered quickly to Japan under such circumstances.
    Ich wünsche den Coronaviren Deutschlands und Japans so früh wie möglich.

    Nice to see the people at Thomann! And I’d like to thank them for the excellent service I’ve enjoyed from them. Míle buichas / many thanks / vielen danke from Ireland!

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