The brand Wise Publications is a subdivision of the Music Sales Limited parent group which owns as well brands like Bosworth, Chester, Schirmer, Novello, Omnibus Press, Wilhelm Hansen, J. Curwen, Union Musicales Ediciones, Editions Musicales Francaises, Lick Library and of course Music Sales.
You can find 86 Wise Publications products at Thomann 85 of them are ready for dispatch . We've been selling Wise Publications products since 1997, so for over 28 year(s).
A total of 22 Wise Publications products are top sellers at Thomann at the moment, amongst others in the following categories Guitar Tab, Classical Guitar Sheet Music, Songbooks for Saxophone, Tab Accessories, Ukulele Picks, Master Class for Guitar and Piano Songbooks.
Our current first choice is the following product Wise Publications Playalong 50/50 - Alto Sax. The absolute hit amongst Wise Publications products is the following item Wise Publications AC/DC Definitive Songbook. More than 2.000 pieces have been bought from us already.
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