#211 Manufacturer Ranking
232 products

About Sandberg

Company Headquarters Germany
Available from us since 1995
Items in stock 58

The main office of the company Holger Stonjek is in Braunschweig (D).

Sandberg products are mainly made in Germany and Korea, Republic of (South Korea).

Currently we hold a total of 240 Sandberg products - 58 of them are currently in stock . We've had Sandberg products in our range since 1995.

To help you further with information on Sandberg products, you will find also product descriptions 3763 media, tests and opinions about Sandberg products - amongst them the following 2898 product pictures, 120 sound samples, 727 customers' reviews and 18 test reports from magazines (in various languages).

At the moment 14 Sandberg products are top sellers at Thomann, amongst others in the following categories 5-String P-Basses, Signature Basses, 5-String Heavy Basses and Premium Basses.

The current top seller amongst Sandberg products is the following item Sandberg California II TM4 Ida Nielsen. This one here Sandberg Fingerboard Oil is very popular as well, we have sold more than 5.000 pieces already.

Sandberg only grants a 2 year(s) warranty on its products but with the 3-Year Thomann Warranty you are covered for a further one year.

Sandberg equipment is used by many famous musicians amongst them are the following Johannes Stolle/Silbermond, Ken Taylor/Peter MAffay, Torsten Scholz/ Beatsteaks, Oliver Riedel/Rammstein, Rüde /Sportfreunde Stiller, Markus Großkopf / Helloween, Georg Listing / Tokio Hotel, Werner Kopal / BAP, sylvin Marc / Chris Rea and Dave Markee / Eric Clapton.

We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Sandberg products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.sandberg-guitars.com/

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