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Journey Instruments OC520

2 Kundenbewertungen

4 / 5

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2 Rezensionen

Journey Instruments OC520
€ 645
Versandkostenfrei und inkl. MwSt.
In 5-7 Wochen lieferbar
In 5-7 Wochen lieferbar

Dieses Produkt trifft bald bei uns ein und kann anschließend sofort verschickt werden.

Informationen zum Versand
google translate gb
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Perfect, for the price
Toastman 14.10.2022
First of all, let me say that I have put 5 stars for all the aspects NOT because it is "the best" in everything. I have put 5 stars because for the price, you get a very complete product perfectly usable, perfectly comparable to products of the same price, and with the added value of the detachable mechanism.

For the price, you get:
- The guitar
- A backpack
- A couple of "bridge saddles" with different size (spanish: "selletas")

The body is smaller, so maybe the sound is less "rounded" than the sound in a full-size guitar, but very little difference.
Everything else is "full size" so the feel of playing is similar to normal guitars.

Let me say that each time you ensemble/mount the guitar takes a time to arrive to a tuning stable situation (similar to the unstable situation when you put new strings). Nothing dramatic anyway. So I recommend to leave that guitar regularly mounted if possible, and unmount it only when you need to travel.
I have added a tuner D'Addario PW-CT-15 hidden in the sound hole and helps you in such situations.

Overall I'm surprised with the mechanism to detach the neck. Once it is mounted you forget that it is a detachable guitar.

About the two "bridge saddles" let me say that the default one (the one that comes inserted in the guitar) is too much high. I think the other one is far better, and gives you a regular feeling. I don't understand why this people put the higher by default. Anyway changing it is very easy and no tool is needed.

I'm using the guitar for 4 weeks and for the moment everything fine.
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google translate cz
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Tak trochu Furch Little Jane, ale kvalitou nestačí
Petr Melda 05.01.2024
Zaujal mne slušný akustický a hlavně výborný elektrický zvuk v ukázkách firmy Tmomann. Kytara opravdu hraje velmi dobře za tu cenu, má dost basů díky otvoru v lubu, zvuk je měkký, příjemný. Snímač je vynikající. Montáž a demontáž krku je velmi snadná. Po nasazení krku se dlouho měnilo ladění. Ladil jsem kytaru každých 5 minut celé odpoledne, než si struny trochu sedly. Kytara pak celkem dobře ladila. Bohužel jsem objevil problém- struna D silně drnčela od 3. do 7. pražce. Možná špatně nastavený kus, ale vrátil jsem ji.
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Journey Instruments OC520